Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores or decubitus ulcers, can take anywhere from three days to two years to heal. How quickly a pressure ulcer heals depends on how far advanced the sore is and what steps are taken to treat it.
A pressure ulcer in stage 1, where the skin is red or discolored but not broken, can heal within three days if treated correctly. The best way to treat an ulcer in this stage is to remove the cause of pressure, keep the sore clean and dry, drink plenty of water, and eat proteins, minerals, and vitamins.
A pressure ulcer in stage 2, where the first and sometimes second layers of skin are broken, can take up to three weeks to heal. Treating a stage 2 ulcer is basically the same as treating a stage 1 ulcer.
A stage 3 pressure ulcer, meanwhile, is more serious and can take one to four months to heal. A sore in this stage breaks through the first and second layers of skin and cuts into the tissue beneath. At this stage, the wound can become infected. Anyone with a stage 3 ulcer should see a health care provider immediately to begin the healing process.
The most serious pressure ulcer is a stage 4, where the ulcer exposes the muscle and sometimes the bone. At this stage, the risk of infection is very high. A stage 4 pressure ulcer necessitates seeing a doctor, and may require surgery. These types of sores can take between three months and two years to heal.
Nursing homes have a legal duty to use reasonable care to prevent pressure ulcers. If a resident develops bedsores, the nursing home should help him or her heal by providing vitamin rich foods and nutritional supplements, removing pressure from the sore, and caring for the skin appropriately. If a nursing home fails to take the necessary precautions, and a resident develops pressure ulcers, the nursing home may be liable for the resulting injuries. This means the nursing home may be responsible for medical bills, out-of- pocket expenses, and pain and suffering.
If your loved one developed pressure ulcers at a nursing home, and you are wondering if you have a claim, please feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home neglect lawyers today. Our consultations are always free. If you would like more information about this topic, be sure to click on our other videos, or better yet, click the subscribe button to subscribe to our YouTube channel.