Bedsores are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue that occur when prolonged pressure is placed on the skin, usually at the hip, tailbone, heels, and ankles. Bedsores do not necessarily spring up ‘overnight,’ and there are some telltale signs that you can look out for to prevent the development of the wound.
From a general standpoint, you should be alert to bedsores if your loved one is immobile or utilizes a wheelchair. As you can imagine, a person’s body weight in either of these circumstances has a tendency to remain fixed in one location. So, you will want to observe that area regularly in order to prevent bedsores before they happen.
But what are you looking out for?
Bedsores in the beginning stages generally exhibit discoloration. According to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, there is a non-blanchable redness that does not go away, even if pressure is taken off the problem area. In other words, the redness persists even when your loved one is lifted. In persons with darker skin, the area may be purple or blue.
Often, the skin will be warmer or cooler to the touch than normal. Compare the problem area with the skin in surrounding areas. If there is a notable difference, you are observing a problem.
Look for changes in texture. At early stages, the skin may change in hardness.
Catching a bedsore at this stage is important because the damage can often be reversed. However, the longer the wound continues to receive pressure, the more likely the injury will worsen and cause grave or life-threatening problems.
If your loved developed bedsores at a nursing home or assisted living facility, and you are wondering if you have a claim, then please, feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home neglect lawyers today. Our consultations are always free.