Bed sores, also known as pressure ulcers and decubitus ulcers, are wounds that develop to the skin and tissue from excessive, prolonged pressure. Often occurring in persons that are bedridden, paralyzed, confined to wheelchairs, or otherwise immobile, the injury arises where the most pressure is placed on the skin, like ankles, heels, and tailbone. Bed sores can develop into very serious injuries. Still, there are some warning signs that you can look out for to prevent later problems.
To begin, you should be aware that bed sores are more likely if your loved one’s body weight tends to remain fixed for long periods. Like, as mentioned, persons in wheel chairs. So, make sure that you inspect those more ‘problematic’ areas of your loved one to prevent bed sores before they have a chance to start.
So, what are the early, observable signs?
- Discoloration: The skin at the wound area will begin to redden. In persons of darker skin color, the skin may appear as shades of purple or blue.
- Temperature: The skin will be warmer or cooler than normal.
- Texture: The skin may exhibit odd texture and experience a change in hardness. Also, the skin’s elasticity at other parts of the body, or turgor, may be decreased. This indicates dehydration, which puts the body at greater jeopardy for bed sore complications.
Identifying a bedsore at this stage is crucial. The initial damage can often be healed. Unfortunately, the longer the wound area continues to worsen, the more likely the injury will deepen. Later stage bed sores can cause fatal complications.
If your loved developed bed sores at a nursing home or assisted living facility, and you are wondering if you have a claim, then please, feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home neglect lawyers today. Our consultations are always free.