Summer can get uncomfortably hot, especially in the southeastern United States. Thankfully, we have that wonderful invention known as air conditioning. However, when that air conditioning breaks down or doesn’t work, it can make for uncomfortable and dangerous conditions, especially for the elderly.
A Richmond, Virginia nursing home is under investigation by the Virginia Department of Health after residents complained that the air conditioner had been broken for several days.
The nursing home at the center of the investigation is Envoy of Westover Hills.
Residents of the nursing home were outside on Wednesday, July 27, saying that it was cooler outside than it was inside.
The executive director of the facility said that Tuesday night’s storms were to blame, but one resident contradicted that statement.
That resident, who wanted to remain anonymous, said that even though the air was running, cool air was not blowing out.
That patient said the problem had been on-going for six days and management was only willing to help those who medically required air.
This isn’t the first time that the facility has received similar complaints. State Department records show that a storm cause the A/C to quit in June of 2015. Records also indicate that management failed to report the incident.
In July of the same year, Envoy of Stratford Hills was dropped by Medicare after a number of deficiencies were discovered.
The director of the facility said that the A/C would be repaired by Thursday and they are cooperating with investigators.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the law offices of Schenk Smith. Our attorneys will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.