Elder abuse, like any form of abuse, can happen to anyone. Financial elder abuse is especially on the uptick – and the perpetrators of this form of abuse aren’t typically the staff at nursing homes. Those who commit financial elder abuse are typically family members. Even celebrities can become victims of this kind of abuse, as the Ventura County Star reports.
In the end, his net worth was only approximately $18,000.
This came about after Mickey Rooney’s financial conservator sought a restraining order against Christopher Aber, the son of Rooney’s 8th wife. The restraining order alleged financial abuse against the storied actor.
Mickey Rooney, who was a Hollywood legend – the star of some 30 films, and was reportedly making a salary of $65,000 a week during the Broadway run of “Sugar Babies” in the early 80s later also filed suit against Aber. He alleged that his once step-son filched millions from his accounts. He also alleged that Aber denied him food and medicine while Rooney was in his care.
Aber eventually settled out of court, but has yet to pay up.
Rooney eventually went to testify about his experience in front of the Senate Special Committee on Aging in 2011. He wanted the word out: “If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.” Rooney died in April of 2013 at the age of 93.
Despite the fact that Aber settled out of court, no charges were filed against him. This proves that proving allegations of elder abuse, especially financial elder abuse, remains difficult. Even for Hollywood royalty.
If you believe that you or someone you love has been the victim of elder abuse, contact the law offices of Schenk Smith. We can help you to get the compensation that you deserve. Call us today.