In Deltona, Florida, a nursing home employee has been charged with elder abuse. The charges came after other employees said they saw her strike the back of a patient’s head multiple times.
The Department of Children and Families confirmed that it is investigating a complaint of neglect at Deltona Health Care. They would not, however, comment on whether it was related to the same incident.
Randall Ellison, 66, a patient with severe dementia, attempted to leave the facility on November 13th. Nursing assistant Marthe Alonzeau, 74, spotted the man near a locked door and turned his wheelchair around. Afterwards, she “struck Ellison several times in the back of the head with an open hand.” This is according to a Volusia County Sheriff’s report.
The incident wasn’t reported until a little over a month later, however. Deputies charged Alonzeau on December 28th. The facility’s administrator told police he failed to alert the authorities because he “was extremely busy with other duties.”
Further research shows that Deltona Health Care, who is affiliated with services provider Consulate Health Care, has been the subject of numerous complaints filed with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration.
Alonzeau, a resident of the facility, received her license as a certified nursing assistant back in 1992, according to the Florida Department of Health. She has no previous records of disciplinary issues.
Alonzeau denied ever hitting the man. She claimed to have distracted him with a towel to get him to let go of a rail along the wall. A hearing is scheduled for February 24th,
If you or someone you know is believed to have been the victim of abuse or neglect while in the care of an individual or a facility, contact the law offices of Schenk Smith. Our attorneys will listen to your case and will fight to get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.