Nobody wants to be involved in a nursing home abuse case. How can you avoid getting tangled up in one? The answer is to do your research thoroughly before choosing a facility and to keep up with them over time.
An article from the Herald has some good information on choosing the right nursing home. One good place to start is by looking at which facilities are rated five stars by Medicare. This list can be found at and covers facilities all over the US. also has comparison tools to help people choose the right home for their needs.
You’ll also need to learn about short-term and long-term care facilities and which one you need. Short-term facilities are sometimes called rehabilitation centers. A person who has suffered a stroke and needs three months of recovery might stay in one, but they would be unsuited for someone who needs assistance for the rest of their life. Another factor to consider is the facility’s experience with your health problems.
Finally, you’ll need to know how you can stay in contact with staff and with your loved one. Communication is essential to ensure quality care over time. If the nursing home changes management or care providers, you must talk with them to learn about any policy changes and assess whether or not it is still safe for your loved one to stay there.
If you or someone in your family is getting abused by a medical facility, you must take action. It could save their life. Contact Schenk Smith Trial Attorneys for a free consultation.