If a nursing home employee hurt your loved one, you may be able to sue the nursing home.
The law requires nursing homes to take certain steps to prevent abuse from occurring in their facility. So, if a nursing home failed to use reasonable care to prevent abuse, and your loved one suffered, the nursing home will likely be required to compensate your loved one for damages.
Nursing Home Employees Must be Trained
The laws for nursing homes specify both suggested and required measures nursing homes can take to protect residents from harm. For one thing, nursing homes are required to carefully screen all potential employees before hiring. They are also required to proactively train employees after hiring. Items nursing homes should address in this training include:
- alternate approaches to abuse for residents who may react aggressively or unexpectedly,
- signs of abuse or potential abuse,
- what constitutes abuse, and
- the best method for reporting incidents of abuse to nursing home management.
Nursing Homes Must Implement Interventions to Prevent Abuse
In addition to screening and training employees, skilled nursing facilities must consistently implement measures designed to prevent abuse and protect residents from harm. This means, among other things, correcting circumstances in which abuse is more likely to occur – such as overworked employees, secluded areas of the facility, inadequate supervision, or too few staff members on a shift. Obviously, nursing homes are also required to have measures for identifying and investigating possible instances of abuse – like bruising, other unexplained injuries, or sudden behavioral changes.
If a facility fails to screen employees before hiring, neglects to train them regarding abuse, or fails to implement practices for preventing abuse, and a resident suffers abuse as a result, then the nursing home may be required to recover damages – meaning the facility must pay for related medical costs, out-of-pocket expenses, and the resident’s pain and suffering.
If your loved one suffered abuse at a nursing home or assisted living facility, and you are wondering if you have a claim, then please, feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home abuse lawyers today.