It was well known that President Trump and Republican members of Congress are opposed the Affordable Care Act. Plans to repeal and gut the act are already underway and unfortunately, one of the most vulnerable populations may just be one ending up having their access to long-term care jeopardized. As McKnight’s reports, the American Geriatrics Society opposes some proposals the American Health Care Act is making.
The American Geriatrics Society came out in opposition to the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which they say could cut access to services for the nation’s seniors. It would also hurt caregivers and healthcare professionals.
The bill’s Medicaid provisions would shift the program to include per-capita funding caps. The bill is designed to place programs on a more sustainable path, but the backlash among long-term care provider groups was strong in opposition to the changes.
The bill plans on reducing federal funding to Medicaid, placing that burden on the states, which would result in reduced services for millions of seniors. Seniors that rely on these programs to fill gaps in their Medicare coverage.
The objections also included plans that the GOP has to phase out Medicaid expansions already in place as well as repeal the Hospital-insurance tax for wealthy individuals. The bill also includes plans to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund.
AGS urged congress to add provisions that would expand seniors’ long-term health options. They also wanted to see services that helped Medicare beneficiaries understand their coverage better.
If you think that a loved one has been the victim of abuse or neglect while in the care of a long-term care facility or health care provider, let the attorneys at the law offices of Schenk Smith fight for you. We can help you to get the compensation that you need. Call us today.