People often ask me why nursing home care is so bad. What I can tell you is that, in my experience both as an attorney and as a certified nursing assistant (CNA), poor nursing home care is ultimately the fault of the owners and operators the facility.
Working inside a nursing home is without a doubt one of the most difficult jobs, both psychologically and physically, that one can have. CNAs are often forced to work long hours, are overworked, and underpaid. Their work often goes underappreciated both by families and by the owners.
When you have a workforce like this you, are typically going to see bad apples. Now, not all CNAs are bad people. An overwhelming majority of nursing home staff take pride in their job, love their residents, and get the job done without incident. But when you have a job that is that physically demanding, mentally draining and quite difficult, couple with inferior pay, then this is a recipe for disaster. You are going to get negligence.
And that fact truly is a shame. Our most vulnerable citizens, the elderly, bare the brunt of this poor quality care. Our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Our loved ones are placed into an environment that does not have enough staff for caring.
But again, at the end of the day, the owners and operators of the nursing homes-which are for-profit corporations for the most party- who are responsible for the care of the residents. The buck stops with them.
If your loved has been injured while residing at a nursing home, and you suspect abuse may be involved, then please, feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home abuse lawyers today. Our consultations are always free.