Elder abuse is a crime that is on the rise nationwide, according to authorities and advocate groups. One of the fastest-rising types of elder abuse is financial elder abuse, which might not be easily recognized. Many times, by the time the abuse is discovered, the perpetrator has already stolen or misappropriated thousands of dollars. Sadly, many of the perpetrators of this crime are the family or loved ones of the elder victim. Other perpetrators include those who are responsible for their care or other trusted person. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports on a nursing home employee who stole nearly $17,000.00 from a resident.
The money was intended for the nursing home resident’s bills and health expenses.
Yet Mary Nelle Foss is accused of forging nearly $17,000 in checks and using that money for personal use.
According to the arrest warrant, Foss took $16,841.00 from the resident while Foss was employed at the North Star Assisted Living Center in Acworth, Georgia.
Jail records indicate that Foss is out of jail on $35,000 bond just a week after her arrest relating to the theft. Foss is facing charges of exploiting an elderly person as well as third and fourth degree forgery and theft charges.
An employee for North Star Assisted Living Center confirmed that Foss is no longer employed by the facility.
Have you or a loved one been the victim of abuse or neglect while in the care of a nursing facility? Let the law offices of Schenk Smith fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.