Nursing home abuse can be physical, psychological, sexual, or financial, and can come from a caregiver or another resident. Nursing home abuse is a growing problem in the U.S., but watching for warning signs early on can minimize the damage to your loved one. Watch for injuries, changes in behavior, and a compromised mental state to recognize the signs of nursing home abuse.
The most common type of nursing home abuse is physical. Bruising, bleeding, fractures, cuts, and welts are easily recognizable signs of abuse, particularly if these injuries are unexplained. A serious fracture may be the result of a physical assault, especially if the patient is sedentary. Similarly, clothing or bedding that is bloody, stained, or torn can signal nursing home abuse. Psychological and sexual abuse can be harder to spot, but there are several clear warning signs to watch for. If a nursing home resident seems to be growing more and more distant emotionally, withdrawing into themselves and refusing to speak, they may be suffering abuse. Abused nursing home residents may also exhibit mood swings or sudden outbursts of emotion. Abuse can have serious consequences on a resident’s mental state. If your loved one shows a sudden change in mental status, becomes unresponsive, or starts exhibiting strange behaviors, they may be a victim of abuse.
Financial abuse is rarer, but it happens. Financial transactions that seem unexpected and out of character often indicate abuse. An unexplained loss of personal belongings can also be a sign, especially if it happens repeatedly. Additionally, perpetrators of abuse may refuse to leave a victim alone with visitors. A nursing home has the legal duty to protect its residents and ensure their comfort and wellbeing. Nursing homes can prevent abuse by taking appropriate measures like investigating injuries and other warning signs, and keeping a close eye on both caregivers and residents.
If a nursing home fails to take these necessary measures, and a resident becomes a victim of nursing home abuse, then the facility may be liable for the consequences. As such, the nursing home may be responsible for related medical bills, out-of- pocket expenses, and pain and suffering.
If your loved one shows any of these signs, and you are wondering if you have a claim, please feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home abuse lawyers today. Our consultations are always free. If you would like more information about this topic, be sure to click on our other videos, or better yet, click the subscribe button to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thank you.